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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Got a new Camera

so I got a new camera which means more blogging and yes ill be doing a little you tubing  im still trying to figure it out so please bear with me lovelies! here are a few shots my hubby took enjoy

halloween time 2013

hello lovelies hope you all had a great October Seems like it went by so fast bummer!! but in all it was great the hubby and I went out and also took the kiddo out and had a blast here are a few adventures.

Monday, November 4, 2013

oufits unif and blackmilk

Hello Lovelies here is a few pics of some of my favorite outfits . i love, love the brand blackmilk and unif so you will bee seeing alot of that and lot of black too!! enjoy!!!

Im Back YAY!!!!

Hello Loves Im back Yay!!! Im so sorry it has taking me so long to get back, but i promise ill be on here at least once a week. In the mean time I am on Instagram follow me (Amrihearts) and facebook (Makeupbyamri) I also started a youtube chanel (amrilove2000) so little by little i will get there. 

 The reason it has taking me so long to blog was because we moved from SoCal to Lake Havasu and it has taken a toll on me. i started beauty school and i hate it ..... well the school im in. and plus im super busy. busy i will dedicated myself more to be on here. thank you to all that have stayed on here xo that really means a lot


Friday, June 29, 2012

Tamra Barney Season Finale Makeup

Hello Pretties  I know its been a while since I've blogged. But I promised you all  would post what i used on the beauty Tamra Barney for the Season Finale show. I was Lucky to do her makeup when she walked into our store when I still worked for MAC and lived in O.C.  and i have to tell you all she is funny as hell and super sweet, anyway her and Vicky were there as i can remember she showed me the Bebe dress she was going to were and I went from there. I do remember most of the colors I used and here they are, anyone can pretty much wear these and create a killer smokey eye.

I recreated on myself and a bit different but used the same colors but used different foundation on me estee lauder and prolong concealer.  and different bronzer since Im darker MAC (sun power) and angel lipstick and fashion whim lipgloss

all products are from MAC.

Painterly paint lid
lid naked pigment
crease softbrown soften
outercrease embark blend
carbon to darken blend
blacktrack liner
feline l/e or smolder waterline
carbon lower lash line blend to smoke out
vanilla shadow brow  bone.

face/ 1
MAC matte texture for primer
mac careblend oild two drops love these!!! make your skin looks smooth and a bit dewy
studio fix on tamra nw15 nw18 mix/  strobe cream  /Select moisture nw 15 mix 20
set w/ MSF medium
MSF used  as bronzer MED DARK
Vanilla pigment used as a highlight on cheekbones
pinkswoon on apple of cheeks just a littlebit

as far as the lipstick i dont remember but i know her fave is nymphette .

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Favorite Nude lipsticks

Who does'nt love nude lipsticks ...right we all do! We are always looking for the perfect one and of course what looks good one one person will look good one everyone. I always got asked that question when I worked at MAC. I want a nude lip or the kardahian lip.... and sometimes it can be tricky. So here are my top picks.  My rule of thumb is always use a lipliner a bit darker to add a little hint of color just to add a pop.
my go to glosses for these are c-thru all time fave since i was 16 and fashion whim or boybait not  pictured but very similar to fashion whim and my all time fave lipiner spice!!! or have to have it uhmazing!!!!
                                                  love and eyelashcurlers~

starting from darker color
velvet teddy
fleshpot (macpro)
peachstock (macpro)
gaga 2

Monday, April 9, 2012

working on my fitness

 Sad truth, I am going to share with you,all that ive gained a few pounds after I came back from Texas and also from moving and well eating out. Also ever since Ive had my two kids ive never been really been happy with the way i look.. I might not look big to most people and yes I know Im not over weight but Im also not fit and lean, and i wanna be so bad!!!. I wanna feel confiden and sexyt in my own body. I wanna be able to wear a pair of jeans and not have a muffin top  or be able to wear a sexy bikini or a cute top and not hide my tummy and and wear it with confidence.
                     so i thought to myself enough is enough !!!Im tired of look like this i wanna be a sexy mamma!!! In the past i have worked out and i have lost weight an tired to eat healthy but  cheated my way out of it plus i was younger. im not a spring chicken anymore lol!!!
.               I don't think I've ever felt so confident in myself to actually do something about my body to give it that push and dont even wanna rest on the day i should rest. i wanna push myself to the limit. im so motivated maybe because i have nothing to do here haha!!! but  feel so good about it I hope i can make you all as motivated as me. i want to  eat healthy and  plus i feel so much more energetic. also  its been helping me with my horrible migraines.  so here is what ive been doing.

Im not going to say that its easy because its not it can be hard. specially when you have kids and all those delicious snacks. it can be so hard but remember you are doing this for you and you only have one body its your temple take care of it.

if it does sneak up on you its ok no worries just pick your self up and try again.

i started running about a month ago with my hubby 2 miles 5 times a week

about a month and a week ago
started at -120
current weight-112.6
now p90x 2nd week on it not giving up

im not following the nutrition guide because its just to hard but i go thru it and get ideas and but stuff to make from it.

number my water bottles about 8 a day.

ipod pick motivation songs i even put some on repeat if (if you like to know what i have let me know i will post)

Juicer yes its pricey but well worth it. every morning i usually juice

try not to eat anything after 6 if you cant make yourself a juicer/smoothie

samples of some sweet snacks to eat in moderation other than fruit i usually eat this when i am in need of something really sweet. xo

usually lunch
chicken salad
miso soup
lentils soup

stuffed bell pepper w/ grounded turkey

if you all like i can post recipes
 will post pics of before and after after 30 days.

my ipod songs just i lits thing i love my euro trance music so you will see alot of that
katy perry part of me twice!
Jennifer Lopez ft Pit bull Dance again twice! lol!
ATB- Could YOU believe
Rihanna -where have you been
Armin Van Buuren- feat Sophie Ellis Bexter Not Giving up
Armin Van Buuren  feat.Jacqueline Govaert -never say never.
ALLURE (tiesto) ft Julie Thompson Somwhere Inside of me.
Bennassi Bros feat. Dhany Rocket in the Sky.
Quicksand(boy 8 bit remix) La roux
Raise your weapon ft. Greta svabo deadmau5
All i ask of you Skrillex (ft Penny)
Feel So Close to you-CAlvin Harris
Dont Stop Dancing Feat. Haley- Kaskade

strawberry banana orange apple smoothie my fave!

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